Go Naples Home Watch and Concierge Services, LLC is a successful multilingual (English, German and Spanish) company, serving seasonal and permanent residents while providing solutions to their specific needs. We specialize in high-quality home watch services that you can trust and work to detect irregularities in your home before they become a disaster. Go Naples Home Watch and Concierge Services is proudly owned by Vicky Cardone and Jan Hoffmann.
Vicky Cardone was born and raised in Colombia while Jan Hoffmann grew up in Germany. Their paths crossed while working on a cruise ship sailing the Caribbean and later they moved to New York. They both have long and successful careers in the hospitality industry working in Michelin Star restaurants, hotels, and country clubs in the US and Germany respectively. In May 2018, they moved to Naples and completely fell in love with the beautiful Gulf Shore city and while thinking about their next steps in life, they decided to establish Go Naples Home Watch and Concierge Services. Vicky and Jan share their passion for helping others, have high standards in customer satisfaction and service. They bring these qualities to serve you and find solutions to your unique challenges.